Unbound Blog

Top Tips for Watching Redbull Hardline - Unbound Collective

Top Tips for Watching Redbull Hardline

So you're heading to Redbull Hardline and you are STOKED! But are you sure you have everything you need? What do you wear? What do they provide onsite? We've got all the tips and tricks you need to make sure you're set for the day!

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Top Tips for Bike Park Trips - Unbound Collective

Top Tips for Bike Park Trips

So you're heading to your first bike park and you're SO STOKED about it, but hang on, how do you even prepare for it? How much stuff should you take? Ahhhh. 

Well, at Shred Like a Girl, we're bike park fiends (#ionlyridepark anyone?) but we know how daunting it can feel to go to your first one. So to help you feel confident before the big day we’ve made a list of all the things we do beforehand and what we chuck in the car so you know where to start and can live your best life whooping down the trails..

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